Preparation Coaching Preparation Form If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank. Fields marked with an * are required First Name * Email (intake only) Phone (intake only) How many days have you lived? 365 x (age) = _____ Please complete this calculation. *Intake only What do you want to create in your life? Intake only What is the most important thing (topic) we should be talking about? * What else can you tell me about the topic? * How is today's topic currently impacting you? If nothing changes, what are the implications? What do you want to achieve in regard to the topic? * What action(s) did you take from the last session? wins/challenges? What do you want to be held accountable for? * What are your next steps to ensure you achieve your goals and dreams? * What are you most grateful for? * How many days do you have left? 79 - (age) = _____ x 365= ______ Please complete this calculation. *Intake only Scheduled Appointment?