Happy Thanksgiving Week!

I’m going to give you a Thanksgiving assignment this year with a twist of Oxytocin! Yes, of course, I’m going to ask you to list five people you’re thankful for!! LOL However, you actually should be doing it more than just one time a year! Why? Well, believe it or not writing out or saying out loud things or people you’re thankful for releases a chemical in your brain called Oxytocin. This chemical last approximately two or three hours in your brain and is something that reduces stress and has a host of other positive benefits! However, I’m going to ask you to take it one step further, because I really want this natural Oxytocin high to last longer than just three hours!
Why don’t you going ahead and complete your list and we’ll take it to the NEXT LEVEL here in a few minutes!
I am thankful for the following people in my life!
2. __________________
3. __________________
5. __________________
This is for people who want to take Thanksgiving to the next level this year!
Ok, if you have read this far I have you interested and there’s probably a 92+ percent chance you complete this assignment!! That’s good! What I want you to do really is pretty easy! I’m just going to ask you to tell any person that’s on your list this year at thanksgiving that you are thankful for them and why. That’s it! What chemical do you think will be released in that person’s brain when you tell them?…yes, Oxytocin! And it will be a memory that both of you will cherish for the rest of your life.
The bottom line is this! Most of us, if we are lucky, go to family reunions every few years… and probably sit with the family we see every day when we actually get there. Or we just wait until there’s a funeral to see family and just tell them hello. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Life can turn on a dime. You only have now! So do it!
What I want you to do this year is to have courage for 10 seconds and tell someone that you are thankful for them being in your life. That’s it!…and guess what….you both will be releasing a chemical in your brain….i can’t remember the name of it though! {C:
Have a great Thanksgiving!
If you need a Executive, Life (e.g. Divorce), or Recovery coach or know someone who does please have them call me or contact me! Thank you!
Aaron Chavez, CEO
Gladiator Leadership & Coaching
p.s. If you have a story after completing this Thanksgiving assignment please share with me!